or Poisoning a Person’s Perception with Neural Vibrations and
Paring it with Quantum Algorithms Can Alter the Outcome of the Events
By Katrina Day 28/05/2015
As a consumer I
reserve a choice to either book a taxi by phone and that is by any type of
telephone, mobile or landline or stop the taxi, flag it down in the street when
I so please. By offering a lower fare and undercutting the London cabby
business the Uber mobile taxis are trying to take away this choice. This is as
simple as that. Or is it? When they destroy the London cabby service by
offering a cheaper alternative, they will turn round and say that “it was a
consumer choice” as many services have disappeared this way. Nothing can be further
from the truth. I, the consumer, never choose to lose an alternative. As they
want to blame me, the consumer, for their tactics, cutthroat, mafia type of
bulging into any type of business, these globalists have even more sinister
agenda in mind. Once they have deprived me and you the freedom of choice to
take a taxi anonymously, flagging it down in the street, they will also have
your total journey as an electronic record. From the point you have carried out
a booking on a mobile phone and disclosed your whereabouts as well as your
final destination, you have given away everything that they want to know about
this particular extract of your life, with your own agreement you have
exchanged you privacy for a tiny convenience. Now you can be tracked like a dog
throughout your journey and soon you won’t even be able to book this treat by
landline, it will have to be a digital form, a mobile phone, not an analogue
one. This makes their life so easy, doesn’t it? We as consumers should rise up
and defend our service being conscious that we are defending our freedom of
However, there is more than meets the eye in this ardent
desire by the globalists to know where we are and what we do at any given
point. Many people do now fully comprehend the idea of being tracked and some
don’t even feel uncomfortable about that. This is because they do not know why
they are tracked and why some group wants to know everything about them. These
uninformed people think that some secret service is collecting some superficial
or metadata or lots of it and they cannot analyse it. Thus, the data sits there
unattended. Quite the contrary, the secret service that serves the globalists
and not our security is about control and now, they have a full technological
capability to exercise absolute control over the innocent citizens. Reminding,
innocent means, they have not done anything wrong. They do not hold violent or
even adverse views. (They are not either rich or famous, just to remind that
they are not very important either politically or in any other way), and they
would live in total conformity by getting on peacefully with their lives. With
quantum computers the services that allegedly, look after our security can
analyse every single step we make, what we eat, what chemicals we intake, what
we put on our skin, where we are, what our tastes and viewpoints are, they can
listen into our conversations; and they know tiny details of our private lives,
what makes us tick. They can have whole of our profile, personality on a
platter. Some people still are not disturbed as this is also not the full
Devising a quantum model of probabilities, that is based on
the data of where one hundred people are at the given point and what they are
doing is the start, they can augment this and by knowing more about their
conversations, tastes, desires, aspirations, they can calculate the probability
or even pinpoint it of what they will be doing in six months or in a year or in
six years or ten years. If it still does not make some people feel
uncomfortable about that there is more.
Interfering into these people’s individual perception by
altering their mood the benign quantum model can become aggressive quantum
alteration. In other words, by altering the individual perception, one can
change the outcome of things, alter the steps we make, the decisions we take
and skew our path. In other words, rig the game. And this can also be
calculated by the quantum algorithms. Now can we see why this small and
powerful group wants to know everything about us, this is the first step in
absolute control they want to exercise over everybody. The earlier statement
that by quantum algorithms and altering individual perception one can design
and alter the outcome of things can be supported by research on our individual
brain wave/frequency that is unique. Nobody’s brain neurons operate on the same
frequency, they are all unique. This is a brilliant discovery for those who
want to control and have technological capability with the powerful quantum
machines that have instant processing power on multiple levels and everybody is
a number. The article Discovery of
quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of consciousness Lead
author Stuart Hameroff and the subsequent study in phys.org state that:
“Clinical trials of brief brain stimulation aimed at
microtubule resonances with megahertz mechanical vibrations using transcranial
ultrasound have shown reported improvements in mood, and may prove useful
against Alzheimer's disease and brain injury in the future.”
This needs to be understood in both
ways. If the vibrations can improve the mood it can worsen the mood as well and
poison the impression of the event thus alter the perception. This kind of
alteration has got a lasting effect in future steps we may take and ultimately,
it can alter the outcome of the events. Note that this study mentions
Alzheimer’s patients to tell the public that they can ‘help’ the sick.
Interferering with our individual brain function in such a direct way becomes
more palatable if there is a proposal of some ‘medical help’. Nobody should
have the right to send electro-magnetic pulses to a person’s brain directly and
alter their mood either way. The alteration of one’s mood should come from our
own perception, by picking up the information using our own sensory equipment,
sight, hearing, touch, taste, irrespective of their quality; and thus forming
our own experience, our own memory of this event which will affect our
perception and form our mood, subsequently have bearing on our future decision
making. Electromagnetic pulses can be sent wirelessly to any device such as a
digital wearable, or a micro-chip, digitally printed tattoo or even directly to
a human, as an upright water filled human being with electrical currents going
through his heart and brain is a great antennae. One can argue that Alzheimer’s
patients cannot form their memories any more. Precisely, because of that, it
should be classed as violation of their integrity to directly affect their
perception by these pulses. At any rate, an informed consent by the adult with
corpus mentis must be required and this includes the said patients. This also includes
anybody who is trying to travel by using a mobile phone booking service as they
are getting more than what they’ve bargained for.
References and Bibliography
Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of
consciousness, Jan 16, 2014, http://phys.org/news/2014-01-discovery-quantum-vibrations-microtubules-corroborates.html
Chemtrails Wireless and you, William Thomas, 28, 02.2013 www.geoengineeringwatch.org/chemtrails-wireless-and-you
Brainwaves To Be Used As Identification, The Daily Times - London
12-20-5, www.rense.com/general69/ident.htm
12-20-5, www.rense.com/general69/ident.htm
Is There A Brainwave 'Fingerprint'?, News Staff
| 26, April 2011 07:18 PM,
Chemtrails Wireless and you, William Thomas, http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/chemtrails-wireless-and-you/
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